ALTERRATIVE’s travel friends are those who:


welcomed us with a smile, who shared with us their story and their personal experiences and of the organizations they are part of, who came with us in this discovery trip and who allowed us to savour and see with our own eyes the invisible situations we would have lost without them guiding us.


The ALTERRATIVE travel wouldn’t be possible without them. Thank you for giving us different perspectives.
World Social Forum 2015, Tunisi - Tunisia
L'Amministrazione del comune di Marinaleda e la Cooperativa  El Humar,  Marinaleda - Spagna
The Gill Tract Community Farm,  San Francisco (California) - Stati Uniti
Frente de Pueblos en Defesa de la Tierra - Nexquipayac,  Atenco - Messico
Desarrollo Economico y Social de los Mexicanos Indigenas, Asociacion Civil,  San Cristobal de las Casas (Chiapas) - Mexico
Hogar Comunitario Yach'il Antzetic, A.C.,  San Cristobal de las Casas (Chiapas) - Messico
Giunta di buon governo “Corazon del arcoiris de nuestra esperanza",  Morelia (Chiapas) - Messico
Lake Atitlan - Women Weavers Cooperative,  San Pedro Atitlan - Guatemala
Coordinadora Nacional de Viudas de Guatemala - CONAVIGUA,  Citta' del Guatemala - Guatemala
Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños (ANAP),  L'Avana - Cuba
Finca Marta,  L' Avana - Cuba
Acción Ecológica ,  Quito - Equador
ECUARUNARI - Confederación Kichwa del Ecuador,  Quito - Equador
Federación de Organizaciones del Azuay - FOA,  Cuenca - Equador
Fundación TIERRA,  La Paz - Bolivia
Fundación Abril,  Cochabamba - Bolivia
Centro de Documentacion e Informacion Bolivia,  Cochabamba - Bolivia
REDES - Amigos de la Tierra ,  Montevideo - Uruguay
Chile Sustentable,  Santiago del Cile - Cile
Asociacion Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indigenas ,  Santiago del Cile - Cile
No Alto Maipo,  Santiago del Cile - Cile
Parlamento di Rapa Nui,  Hanga Roa - Rapa Nui (Isola di Pasqua)
Farmers and Nature Net,  Phnom Penh - Cambogia
Cambodian Women's Development Agency,  Phnom Penh - Cambogia
Urbagrow,  Calcutta - India
Navdanya,  Dehradun - India
SEWA - Self Employed Women's Association,  Ahmedabad - India
Working Women's Forum,  Chennai - India
Buddha Garden Auroville - India
Discipline Farm,  Auroville - India
Women's Empowerment through Local Livelihood,  Auroville - India
ACC - Comitato di Crisi Amadiba
Centre for Civil Society - Universita' di kwaZulu-Natal , Durban - Sudafrica

The steps of ALTERRATIVE and of its travel friends leave around their own footprints. The tales, faces and stories can be shared with you who are reading thanks to:
